Downloadable Forms

Plan Administration Professionals You Can Trust

Omega Fee Schedule

Cash Balance Plan Sheet

Document Setup Questionnaire
This questionnaire is needed to set up the document for a newly adopted qualified plan.

401(k) Survey
401K Survey for employees.

IRS COLA Limits for 2025
The Internal Revenue Code provides for dollar limitations on benefits and contributions under qualified retirement plans.

Loan Authorization Form
This form is copied onto company letterhead, and signed by the Plan Sponsor/Trustee to authorize a loan from the employee’s Plan assets. Can only be used if the Plan Document has a Loan Provision.

Administration Takeover Review
In order to review a plan for administrative takeover and analysis, the following items in this form are needed

Distribution Request Form
This form is used by the Plan Sponsor/Trustee to inform Omega, Inc., of employee terminations and to initiate distributions forms for the employee to remove their vested assets from the Plan. The form should be faxed to Omega, Inc., following the date of termination and the deposit of all contributions for the employee.

EFAST2 Change Form
This form is completed by the Plan Sponsor/Trustee to submit a change in e-mail address for the signer of the Annual 5500 Return.

Omega Team Information
Information about the Omega Team.