Who To Contact

Plan Administration Professionals You Can Trust

Omega Inc.
5793 Widewaters Pkwy.
Dewitt, NY 13214
Tel. 315-449-4124  |  Fax. 315-449-4148

Get The Answers You Need

Our pension team is here to help you effectively administer your Plan. Each of our pension professionals has a specialty to provide answers you need, and if they don’t have the answer on the spot they will find it and get back to you as soon as possible. Our service is personal, specialized, and designed to make your pension administration trouble-free.

Strategic Planning – Sandra A. Wehner QPA sandy@omegaqpa.com

Plan Document Questions or Service, RMD, QDRO, Plan Terminations, Amendments – Sandra A. Wehner QPA sandy@omegaqpa.com

Plan Document Questions or Service, 5500 filing, Amendments – Mary Ann Cantello maryann@omegaqpa.com

Participant Terminations and Hardship Distributions, In-Service Distributions, Death Benefits – Nicole Andreu nicole@omegaqpa.com

Participant Loans – Marianne Karandy  marianne@omegaqpa.com

Invoices & Billing – Nicole Andreu  nicole@omegaqpa.com

Employee Census – Peggy Cantello  peggy@omegaqpa.com

Sandra A. Wehner, QPA, Partner
President / Qualified Pension Administrator

Sandy can answer any and all questions concerning your Plan and the administration of the Plan Document. To provide the most efficient service to
you, questions concerning distributions, loans, census and billing should be directed to the administrator as listed below.

Nicole Andreu
Vice President / Pension Administrator
Client Billing

Nicole prepares quarterly billings. In most cases Omega, Inc. bills all 401(k) Plans on a quarterly basis. Invoices are mailed on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. We bill in arrears, meaning the invoice you receive dated December 1 will be for the final quarter of the year, the one mailed on March 1 st will be for the first quarter of the current year and so on. Some Plans are billed on an annual basis. The bill is include with the completed annual Valuation/5500 and is payable immediately. Questions concerning invoices should be directed to Nicole.

Venessa Ososkalo
Pension Administrator
Participant Terminations and Employee Year-End Certificates

Venessa can assist you with most Plan questions, Plan terminations and Employee year end Certificates.

Mary Ann Cantello
Pension Administrator
Employee Loans

Mary Ann can assist you with most Plan questions. She will answer any questions concerning the preparation and/or signing of your Annual Form 5500, Plan Audits, and Valuations.

Pension Administrator

Loans and Participant Distributions
We  can assist you with processing Employee Loans if your Plan Document contains a Loan provision. Please use the Loan Authorization Letter enclosed. An electronic copy can be obtained by contacting us, have a Trustee sign, and email or Fax to our office. Required loan paperwork will be e-mailed to you for signatures.

We will also process all Participant terminations and distributions (In-Service & Hardship) according to your Plan Document. In the event an Employee terminates employment, please complete a copy of the enclosed Distribution Request Form , and fax it to our office.

Peggy Cantello

Pension Administrator
Employee Census

Peggy Cantello can assist you with questions concerning your Employee Census. We will be requesting an annual census of All Employees. A Semi-Annual Census will be requested if your Plan is not Safe Harbor. This is required for annual testing to keep your Plan in compliance. We will mail or email, at the request of the Trustee, the Anniversary Notification (Census) for you to add new Employees, dates of termination, birth and hire; compensation, salary deferrals, etc. Feel free to use an Excel spreadsheet to report the required information to us. Please be sure the company name and time period is on all reports. Any questions concerning the census can be addressed to Peggy.